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All For Fun FC Group

Public·72 members

Good afternoon all,

Apologies I've had a hectic week and still need to sort the pitch out for next year...

Due to my change in work career I feel that unfortunately for the past couple of weeks I've been unable to give the club the 100% attention that I used to be able to and I know for some of you see it just as a game of football and are happy with that but for me feel Its being able to give more than that of the reason why I first setup the club for example it's the small things but I used to do player of the match every week and past few weeks etc. not been able to do that but I know it's a small thing but for some it's a boost of confidence...

I'm being honest I can't give the club the 100% attention anymore due to working away etc. but don't want to give it up so think what I'm going to do is give it a months break so I can sort a few things out within the club and we'll hopefully start again in October

Apologies for the long waffling message😂


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